Kotlebovi padol pred auto strom. Rovno vystúpil a začal ho odpratávať. Takto chce odpratať aj „amerických agentov“ v našej vláde

Šéf ĽSNS Marian Kotleba je známy tým, že nemá problém s ťažkou a špinavou prácou. Ukázal to už na traktoroch či ťažkých strojoch, kedy pomáhal ľuďom s rôznymi prácami.

Tentokrát Kotlebovi padol strom rovno pred auto a cesta nebola prejazdná. Kotleba neváhal a začal si cestu čistiť sám.

Hneď po tom sa k nemu pridali aj ostatní.

„Pri Zolnej v okrese Zvolen bol cez cestu spadnutý strom. Cesta úplne zablokovaná. Niektoré autá sa otáčali, iné čakali a čakali a čakali.

Tak som si povedal, že nebudem len tak čakať, ktovie kedy prídu hasiči, a pustil som sa do práce. V priebehu minúty sa ku mne pridali chlapi z pár áut a po pár minútach bola cesta aspoň čiastočne prejazdná.

Poučenie? Keď nebudeme len čakať, kým to za nás urobia druhí, a namiesto toho sa spoločne pustíme do práce, tak odstránime každý problém!

A je jedno, či ten problém je strom blokujúci jednu cestu, alebo americký agent vo funkcii ministra, likvidujúci celý národ.“ píše Kotleba.

3 Replies to “Kotlebovi padol pred auto strom. Rovno vystúpil a začal ho odpratávať. Takto chce odpratať aj „amerických agentov“ v našej vláde

  1. In particular, if several individuals on the event group reported related well-being and
    affective states concurrently throughout the development undertaking, it might be that exterior
    demands corresponding to deadlines could have an effect on the entire development group at the
    identical time. Particularly, Sen et al. Farrell Allen said.
    She nonetheless begins her day with exercise after hydrating.
    On the contrary, builders with excessive self-reported feeling of independence (autonomy)
    chat more both throughout the identical and the earlier day.

    The mannequin has highest weights for words
    that relate to spending or profitable, as this is a strong indicator that
    an occasion is not suggestible (successful is normally out
    of the author’s management, and spending money is normally
    not labeled as sustainable.) Words relating to family members or friends also had excessive weights, as most social activities are sustainable and repeatable.
    Then, we carried out simulations at completely different temperatures (managed by thermostats) to research the position of thermal energy in these healing
    mechanisms. Our simulations show that graphene healing could be obtained
    by a easy annealing at excessive temperature in the presence of a carbon source.
    Others have stated that Reiki observe is soothing, which may contribute to decreasing anxiety and stress.
    The question remains: How can we further the autonomous behaviours of self-healing systems
    while reducing the operating costs of giant-scale computing environments?

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